What do NTHRYS Provide under Academic Projects

NTHRYS Academic Services Provisions:

  1. Certificate upon the completion of the program
  2. Guidance in Research Objectives design (for 6 months and above durations) or selection guidance and execution.
    Note: 1. Objectives selection guidance will be given only for Registered candidates.
    Note: 2. All the mentioned objectives are not available for all durations. Our team will guide registered candidates regarding availability of objectives for selected durations.
  3. Training in Practicals to students who have not done those protocols earlier.
  4. Complete [Project Report] Thesis Assistance under our Content Department guidance.
  5. Handson Practicals Experience. NTHRYS has 20+ years of reputation in this regard.
  6. Training in Content Writing with 9% Plagiarism (For only those who are joining for 3 months and above durations).
  7. Academic Reviews Assistance.
  8. Project Presentation Assistance.
  9. Project Publication Assistance in Scopus Indexed Journals or SCI or UGC Care listed journals. (For only those who are joining for 5 months and above durations).
  10. Accommodation Assistance for Students coming from outstations to Hyderabad. (Should be registered 3 months before and offered only to 3 months and above duration students. Please visit NTHRYS Accommodation Details for more details.
Internships (Academic), Projects (Academic), Course Finishers Internship (Placement Guranteed),
For more details contact on

+91 - 7993084748