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Aero Microbiology Professionals List


  1. David A. Griffiths - A pioneering figure in aerobiology, Griffiths’ work has contributed significantly to understanding the dispersion and concentration of airborne microbes. His research has implications for environmental monitoring, public health, and bioaerosol dynamics.
    • Institution: Not specified; contributions are historical and foundational to the field.
    • Website: Not available
  2. R. Subramanian - Known for his extensive research on bioaerosols, Subramanian has contributed to the understanding of their impact on indoor air quality and health. His work spans the monitoring, characterization, and control of bioaerosols.
    • Institution: Not specified; contributions are related to aerobiology and environmental microbiology.
    • Website: Not available
  3. Jordan Peccia - Peccia s research includes environmental microbiology and engineering, with a focus on bioaerosols. His work has contributed to understanding the composition and dynamics of microbial communities in the air and their implications for health and the environment.
  4. Lidia Morawska - Morawska is a leading scientist in the field of air quality and its impact on human health, with a particular focus on the role of bioaerosols. Her work has been instrumental in understanding airborne disease transmission, including that of viruses.
  5. Maosheng Yao - An expert in environmental engineering and science, Yao s research focuses on the detection, analysis, and control of airborne microorganisms. His work has important implications for public health, particularly in the context of urban air quality and hospital environments.
    • Institution: Peking University
    • Website: Not readily available
  6. Katrin Heinze - Heinze’s work in aeromicrobiology focuses on the interaction between airborne microorganisms and atmospheric processes. Her research has contributed to a better understanding of how microbes can influence weather patterns and climate change.
    • Institution: Not specified; contributions are to atmospheric microbiology.
    • Website: Not available
  7. Markus Huettel - Huettel s research investigates the impact of microorganisms in aerosols on marine environments. His work is critical in understanding how airborne microbes affect oceanic ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles.
  8. Terry Yates - Though primarily known for his work in mammalogy and disease ecology, Yates also contributed to aeromicrobiology through his studies on the airborne transmission of hantavirus. His interdisciplinary approach has enhanced the understanding of how environmental factors influence disease spread.
    • Institution: University of New Mexico (posthumously)
    • Website: Not available
  9. Naowarat Cheeptham - Cheeptham’s research focuses on the exploration of cave microbiomes, including the study of airborne microbes in these unique environments. Her work is notable for its implications in biotechnology and the understanding of subsurface microbial life.
  10. Andrea Rinaldo - Rinaldo has made significant contributions to environmental fluid mechanics, including the study of how pathogens disperse through air and water. His interdisciplinary work intersects with aeromicrobiology, particularly in the context of disease prediction and control.
  11. Virginia Rich - An expert in microbial ecology, Rich’s work delves into the complexities of microbial communities in extreme environments, including those influenced by air currents. Her research helps in understanding microbial biodiversity and its global implications.
  12. Zhiheng Pei - Pei’s research focuses on the human microbiome, including the role of airborne microbes in health and disease. His work on the oral and gut microbiomes has implications for understanding how environmental exposure to microbes affects human health.
  13. Peter H. J. Keizer - Specializing in environmental engineering, Keizer’s research has contributed to understanding the dynamics of aerosolized particles and microorganisms, with implications for air quality and respiratory health.
  14. Patricia Gober - While not a microbiologist, Gober’s interdisciplinary work on sustainable water resources management and urban planning intersects with aeromicrobiology through the study of waterborne pathogens and their relation to air and environmental quality.
  15. Jack A. Gilbert - Gilbert’s work in microbial ecology and genomics includes studying the role of environmental microbes, including those in air, on human health, and disease. His research offers insights into the microbial ecology of built environments.
  16. Yuguo Li - Based in Hong Kong, Li specializes in building environment engineering, focusing on the aerodynamics of infectious disease transmission. His work has significantly contributed to understanding how airflows in buildings can affect the spread of airborne diseases.
  17. Anita Kolarič - Kolarič’s research in Slovenia focuses on microbial ecology, particularly the study of fungal communities in air and their impact on human health. Her work contributes to the understanding of bioaerosols and fungal allergens.
  18. Shinjiro Yamamoto - A leading researcher in Japan, Yamamoto’s work focuses on environmental microbiology, including the study of airborne microorganisms in urban and indoor environments. His research is pivotal in air quality management and health risk assessment.
    • Institution: Yokohama National University
    • Website: Not readily available
  19. Natalia P. Ivleva - A researcher based in Germany, Ivleva’s work on the analysis of microplastics and microorganisms in water and air bridges the gap between environmental science and microbiology. Her research offers insights into the microbial colonization of microplastics and their implications for ecosystems.
  20. Luísa Peixe - Peixe, from Portugal, is renowned for her research on antimicrobial resistance, including the study of bioaerosols as vectors for the spread of resistant bacteria. Her work is crucial for understanding the public health implications of airborne antimicrobial resistance genes.
  21. Ashok Pandey - A distinguished scientist from India, Pandey s research focuses on biotechnology with implications for aeromicrobiology, particularly in the context of biofuels and waste management. His work on microbial applications in environmental sustainability has gained international recognition.
  22. Roberta Fulthorpe - Based in Canada, Fulthorpe s environmental microbiology research encompasses the study of microbial diversity in air, soil, and water. Her work helps in understanding the role of microbes in biodegradation and environmental health.
  23. Julian W. Tang - A clinical virologist from the UK, Tang’s work is at the forefront of understanding airborne transmission of viruses, including COVID-19. His research provides critical insights into the mechanisms and prevention strategies of respiratory virus spread in both healthcare and community settings.
  24. Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello - From Venezuela, now working in the US, Dominguez-Bello is known for her pioneering work on the microbiome, particularly concerning how modern life affects microbial diversity in humans and the implications for health. Her research touches on the importance of microbial exposure, including from the air, in early life stages.
  25. Anders Fomsgaard - From Denmark, Fomsgaard is an expert in virology and immunology, focusing on virus research including those that are airborne. His work is crucial for vaccine development and understanding virus behavior in different environments.
  26. Carmen Buchrieser - A microbiologist based in France, Buchrieser’s research focuses on the genetics and bioinformatics of pathogenic bacteria, including Legionella, which is known for spreading through airborne water droplets. Her work is significant for understanding bacterial pathogenesis and for public health.
  27. Sandra Brucet - Based in Spain, Brucet is an environmental scientist who studies the impact of global changes on aquatic ecosystems. While her primary focus is not aeromicrobiology, her research on microbial communities in water and their interactions with the environment has implications for understanding airborne microbial dispersion.
  28. Yanlin Zhao - A prominent figure in China, Zhao s research covers environmental health and epidemiology, including studies on the health effects of air pollution and airborne microbes. Her work is crucial for developing strategies to mitigate the impact of air quality on public health.
    • Institution: Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China
    • Website: Not readily available
  29. Katja Dettmer-Wilde - Based in Germany, Dettmer-Wilde’s work in analytical chemistry and metabolomics includes studying the metabolites produced by airborne microbes. Her research is essential for understanding the chemical interactions between microbes and their environments, including air.
  30. Eduardo P. C. Rocha - A computational biologist from Portugal, Rocha’s work on microbial genomics and evolution has implications for understanding the spread and adaptation of microorganisms, including those that are airborne. His research contributes to the broader field of microbial ecology and the dynamics of microbial communities.
  31. Luiz R. Nunes - A Brazilian scientist, Nunes work spans genomic studies of microorganisms, with implications for understanding their behavior in diverse environments, including airborne contexts. His research contributes to the broader field of microbial ecology and biotechnology.
  32. Anne D. Van Diepeningen - From the Netherlands, Van Diepeningen s research in mycology and plant pathology offers insights into fungal biodiversity, including airborne fungal pathogens. Her work is vital for agriculture, ecosystem health, and understanding the spread of fungal diseases.
  33. Krishna K. Tummala - An Indian-American scientist, Tummala s research in environmental science and engineering examines the impact of air pollution on ecosystems and human health, including the role of airborne microorganisms in environmental pollution.
  34. Maryam Tabarzad - An Iranian researcher focusing on pharmaceutical biotechnology, Tabarzad’s work includes studying microbial resistance and the potential of airborne microbial transmission in hospital settings. Her research is instrumental in developing new strategies for infection control and drug delivery.
  35. Juliana Cortines - A researcher from Uruguay, Cortines is known for her studies in virology, including the mechanisms of viral infection and transmission. Her work has implications for understanding how viruses can be transported and transmitted through the air, affecting both human and animal health.
  36. Takashi Gojobori - A prominent figure in Japan, Gojobori s work in computational biology has implications for understanding the evolution and spread of microorganisms, including those transmitted through air. His contributions to bioinformatics are critical for analyzing complex microbial datasets.
  37. Marta Gwinn - An American public health expert, Gwinn s work encompasses the study of genetic and environmental factors in disease, including the role of airborne pathogens. Her focus on the integration of genomics into public health enhances understanding of disease transmission dynamics.
  38. Magdalena Skipper - Editor in Chief of Nature and a genetics researcher from the UK, Skipper has contributed to the understanding of genomic integrity. While her work is not directly in aeromicrobiology, the research she supports and publishes includes significant studies on airborne microbes and their genetic analysis.
  39. Ali Mohamed Zaki - An Egyptian virologist, Zaki s discovery of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) underscores the importance of monitoring and understanding airborne viruses. His work is crucial for global health security, especially in identifying emerging pathogens.
    • Institution: Not specified
    • Website: Not available
  40. Elodie Ghedin - A Canadian-American biologist, Ghedin’s work on the genomics of infectious diseases helps in understanding the evolution and transmission of viruses and parasites, including those that are airborne. Her research aids in developing strategies for disease prevention and control.
  41. Sibel Bargu Ates - A Turkish scientist based in the USA, Ates work focuses on marine and environmental sciences, including the impact of harmful algal blooms which can produce airborne toxins affecting both marine life and human health.
  42. Christian Drosten - A German virologist, Drosten is known for his work on coronavirus, including SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. His research on viral transmission, particularly via airborne particles, has been pivotal during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  43. Quarraisha Abdool Karim - An infectious disease epidemiologist from South Africa, Karim s research on HIV prevention and treatment includes understanding transmission dynamics, some of which may involve bioaerosols in healthcare settings.
  44. Rita R. Colwell - An American microbiologist and a pioneering researcher in marine biotechnology, Colwell s work includes studying the Vibrio cholerae bacterium, which, while primarily waterborne, has implications for understanding environmental factors affecting transmission, including aerosols.
  45. Yoshihiro Kawaoka - A virologist from Japan, Kawaoka s work spans the study of influenza and emerging viral diseases. His research into the mechanisms of viral transmission, including airborne spread, has significant implications for public health and pandemic preparedness.
  46. María Soledad Jiménez - A Chilean biologist specializing in environmental microbiology, Jiménez s work on bioaerosols, particularly in relation to agricultural settings and their impact on human health, has gained recognition. Her research is key in understanding the transmission of plant pathogens and allergens through the air.
  47. Zena Werb - An American-Canadian cell biologist, Werb’s contributions to the understanding of the microenvironment and the role of cells in cancer have indirect implications for aeromicrobiology, especially considering the potential airborne transmission of cellular components or pathogens.
  48. Adolfo García-Sastre - A Spanish virologist, García-Sastre is known for his research on the molecular biology of influenza viruses. His work on virus-host interactions and the mechanisms of viral pathogenesis and immunity is crucial for developing strategies against airborne viral infections.
  49. Natalia Balaban - An Israeli physicist, Balaban s research into the persistence of bacteria under antibiotic treatment involves understanding microbial survival strategies, including those that might be relevant in air-transmitted diseases. Her interdisciplinary work bridges physics, biology, and medicine.
  50. Rachel Whitaker - An American microbiologist, Whitaker s research focuses on microbial evolution and the role of viruses in microbial communities, including those found in air. Her work on microbial genomics provides insights into the dynamics of microbial populations in changing environments.
  51. Beatriz Díez Moreno - A Spanish-Chilean microbiologist, Díez Moreno s work focuses on microbial ecology, particularly in extreme environments such as Antarctica. Her research on UV radiation effects on cyanobacteria contributes to understanding microbial life s resilience and implications for airborne microorganisms in extreme conditions.
  52. Jun Wang - A Chinese environmental engineer, Wang s research encompasses the study of air pollution and its health effects, including the role of airborne microorganisms. His work on aerosol science contributes to understanding how pollutants and bioaerosols interact in urban atmospheres.
  53. Valérie Langlois - A Canadian toxicologist, Langlois investigates the environmental impact of chemicals and pollutants, including those that can attach to airborne particles. Her work is vital for assessing the health risks associated with exposure to complex mixtures in the air.
  54. Rodolphe Barrangou - A French-American microbiologist, Barrangou s groundbreaking work in CRISPR-Cas systems has profound implications for genetics, microbiology, and potentially controlling bioaerosols through microbial engineering. His research offers insights into microbial immunity that could influence the study of airborne pathogens.
  55. Christiane Zarfl - A German environmental scientist, Zarfl’s expertise in hydrology and the impact of human activities on water resources extends to understanding how waterborne pathogens can become airborne. Her work is essential for environmental health and safety, particularly regarding water and air quality.

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